Friday, July 30, 2010

who needs stuff anyways?

For the last couple of weeks we have been slowly selling most of our worldly possessions.

A kayak here, a couch there, a mini fridge and on and on.

This weekend we are having a garage sale and anything that doesn't sell is going to Goodwill. I have been trying not to get sad watching our things go, but I have to admit, it's not that easy. Not because I love things, I really, really don't. However, I have spent the last couple of years creating a home for Johnny, Ezra and myself, and it's a little sad and a little scary to let this home go, and not know what our new one will be like. It's scary to think about ALL the changes that are coming and the reality that almost everything we know is about to change.

As we get closer to moving, to starting a new chapter in our life, I get more and more excited, but there's a part of my heart that is breaking too.

I guess that's what living your life for Jesus is all about. Being willing to drop your nets and follow him. And, no matter how much you think you're leaving behind, if you follow Him, you're always headed somewhere far more incredible than a path you forged of your own accord. Sometimes I just need to be reminded of that.

Nets don't matter in heaven.

Neither do tv's or mattresses.

I just want to follow my Jesus.


1 comment:

  1. I love you guys. I am sad because now you will be even farther away from us, but I am excited that Jesus is taking you on this adventure, sans mini-fridges. :) Seriously, enjoy every second of this ride and I can't wait to see what amazing things God is going to do through the amazing Koslowski family.
