I’ve been a “single mom” all week long. Johnny and David left last Sunday to drive our car to Los Angeles, and although I had an incredible time hanging out with people I love, I have to admit that I’m exhausted. Taking care of a toddler on your own is no small order. Therefore, I am excited to see my husband tomorrow for many reasons, but primarily I am excited to hand him his son and go take a nap. J (Just kidding babe!)
In other news…I’m sitting on mom’s couch in Indiana, I should be sleeping, but I’m not. Instead I just made macaroni and cheese. Yes… the processed, neon orange kind. I now feel sick to my stomach, I have to wake up in five hours, but alas I feel a blog coming on.
I fly to California tomorrow, with Ezra, to meet up with Johnny. We fly to Hawaii Tuesday, and get started settling in. Before I start posting pictures of Hawaii, and our new home and writing about all the stuff we’re doing, I wanted to give thanks to my Jesus for his faithfulness to us. The past several months have been a journey of faith and not once did we not feel God’s hand in it.
Thank you Jesus for calling us to Kona so clearly that we could not deny your voice.
Thank you for confirming that call to us through not one person, not two people, but through dozens and dozens of encounters, conversations, scriptures, and more.
Thank you for loving us and being gentle with us through this process, for allowing us and the Burd’s to see your plan unfolding for All Access and what we all needed in this time. Your gentleness is humbling and overwhelming.
Thank you for walking us through such an intense past two years, and allowing so much healing to come for me since our difficult pregnancy.
Thank you for my husband and my son who are the joy of my life. I don’t deserve them. I don’t know why I am so blessed. But I am so thankful to call them mine.
Thank you for providing for us financially in so many ways and for surprising us when we least expect it.
Thank you for giving us so many people to miss, because it means you gave us the gift of so many people to love!
Thank you for the support and love of our family and friends, we are abundantly blessed to have such a strong network of people who believe in us and pray for us and make it possible for us to be in ministry.
Thank you for our safety and our health.
Thank you for all of the little things you have done to make this season one of excitement and anticipation instead of fear and stress.
Thank you for loving us and for having a beautiful plan for our life. We desire only to follow your will and bring glory to your name.
So often we become overwhelmed with the stresses of life and the busyness of our days, we forget to be thankful for the small things. I don’t want to forget to notice these things, because it is so clear every single day, in our day to day life, that God adores us and is faithful to us. You don’t have to be moving 5.000 miles away from home for him to shower you with blessings, he adores you and delights in you and wants to give you more than you ever dreamed or imagined. But for him to be able to do that we must surrender our control.
This is a daily process for me, I am not even good at it yet, but the more and more that I try, the more I see how amazing our God is and it gives me courage to let go of my control just a little bit more. And that gives me more time and energy to put into being thankful.
Thank you Jesus. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.